

Placerita Nature Center New Museum Open as of Jan 23, 2015.


Local Student Uses Placerita Website to Teach Class about Nature

We recently received the following thank you from a local teacher:

"I wanted to send you an email to thank you for your webpage. I am a teacher at an after school program, and one of my students (Julia) brought in your page to help us learn more about nature and what they can do to help take better care of our planet. The've really taken an interest in it - thank you for
the great information!

She also found a great webpage that I thought would fit in well with your
information (click here for link.) It's been really helpful in teaching them about the importance of our forests!"

- Joan Wilkinson

Thank you Julia and Joan for the kind words and for your interest in taking better care of Planet Earth!


Placerita Canyon to Receive Grant Funding to Improve & Develop Trails

With more than $570,000 in combined grant funding by the office of Los Angeles County Supervisor Michael D. Antonovich and the State of California Habitat Conservation Fund, the Department of Parks and Recreation is pleased to announce two initiatives that will yield immeasurable benefits in the beautiful Placerita Canyon Natural Area. Click here for more info


The Canyon Trail is now Multi-Use, open to hikers, bikers and horses

As of March 9, the Canyon Trail at Placerita Canyon Natural Area is multi-use, meaning it is open to hikers, mountain bikes, and equestrians. Mountain bikers must yield to hikers and equestrians, and hikers must yield to horses. Several "pinch points" have been installed along the trail, which are rock barriers intended to slow down mountain bikes in areas with limited visibility.


Have you observed illegal, rude, or problem behaviors on Placerita Trails?

If you have expererienced or observed problems on Placertia Trails, please take time to fill out and file an incident report (click to get a pdf copy of the form.)


The form can be filled out in the park office, mailed to the park, or emailed to Russ Kimura, Park Superintendant (

Leash Law is Being Enforced at Placerita Canyon

Please keep your dogs on leash when visiting Placerita Canyon Natural Area. It is very dangerous to have dogs off leash as rattlesnakes are found frequently at Placerita in the summer and a dog/rattlesnake encounter can result in the death of both animals. Sheriff's deputies are patrolling the trails and citing offenders.


Placerita Canyon Natural Area now features parking for alternative fuel vehicles

Please take advantage of our alternative fuel vehicle parking. There are three spaces available in front of the nature center and two additional spaces in the lower parking area near the bridge. This is preferred parking for vehicles that operate on fuels other than gasoline, such as compressed natural gas (CNG), hydrogen, biodiesel, and electric or hybrid vehicles.













In the Media

Newspaper & Magazine Articles Involving Placerita Canyon